What is it?

Web application penetration testing is a systematic process of assessing the security of a web application by simulating attacks from malicious actors. It focuses exclusively on web application attack surfaces and involves identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses within the application's architecture, design, code, and configurations that could potentially be exploited by hackers.

How it benefits your organization

Application penetration testing offers several benefits for organizations:

  • Risk reduction - Uncover web application weaknesses before an attacker can exploit them
  • Focused testing - Save costs by focusing assessments on the application itself
  • Compliance - meet compliance requirements and recommendations

Our approach to testing

We follow NIST SP 800-115 and PTES penetration testing standards for our engagements.

Our experts work with you to help determine the scope of testing, and identify any risks that may cause an interruption to your business operations. Using both automated and manual testing, Digital Osprey follows these phases during an engagement:

  • Reconnaissance - discover publicly available information relevant to the security of the application
  • Vulnerability analysis - Identify and assess vulnerabilities in the external attack surface
  • Exploitation - White hat hackers exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to systems
  • Post-exploitation - If successful exploitation, ethical hackers examine the extent of access gained and determine potential further impacts
  • Reporting - a comprehensive report detailing discovered weaknesses and recommendations to address vulnerabilities
  • Remediation verification - follow up verification is included, to ensure that weaknesses have been successfully mitigated